Done in a day, lasts for years.
Our exterior house painting services deliver convenience & performance in one turn-key solution.
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Transform your home with our exterior painting services
Whichever painting service you choose, a cost-effective alternative to replacement (and serious curb appeal) is what you’ll get.
See why we’re differentFrequently asked questions about how it works.
How much does your service cost per square foot?
We actually take much more than just square footage into consideration when calculating the price of a project. We consider the complexity of the work to be carried out, the number and height of exterior walls, surface accessibility, type of surface, size, and the time that it takes to mask and protect adjacent and nearby surfaces. Since every home is different, we evaluate our prices on a case-by-case basis. In general, the cost of our service is outweighed by the immediate increase in property value. Equally important is the fact that our service costs a fraction of the cost of brand-new siding and doors and windows, allowing you to save on the cost of replacement.
How many coats of paint do you apply?
Unlike the traditional brush and roller method, spray-applied painting is measured according to paint thickness rather than the number of coats. Depending on the specific exterior coating that we’re using, paint thickness can vary between 4 and 20 mils. A thicker paint film doesn’t automatically mean it will be more durable; it all depends on what we’re trying to achieve for a final product’s properties.
You can be sure that our expert painting crews are equipped with the knowledge, products, and experience to produce a permanent factory finish… every time.
Is it worth painting my house if I plan on selling it?
Absolutely! Selling your home is all about curb appeal. You can spend thousands of dollars on interior renovations, but if no one is interested in walking into your home, no one will ever see them! Don’t forget: the last thing potential buyers want to see when approaching a home are outdated exterior colors and home repairs and maintenance that they’ll have to take care of, like faded siding or outdated exterior colors. Unlike you, they might not know about Spray-Net and think it will cost them too much to fix!
When you’re trying to sell your home, time is of the essence, and this is exactly why sellers turn to our convenient one-day exterior painting solution to quickly enhance the look of their homes. Not only does our service immediately boost curb appeal for a more inviting exterior appearance, it can simultaneously increase property value, allowing you to sell your home for a higher price. Furthermore, a fresh-looking kitchen is one of the best ways to increase the value of your home before selling it!
Discover the benefits of our exterior painting services
We’ve made sure this is the only kind of exterior painting you’ll ever need.
Need another reason to choose Spray-Net?
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